Saturday, December 27, 2008

Risk in expecting More

We think
We care
We dream BUT IF..
We are not willing to risk anything in expecting something far greater than what we are capable of, nothing greater will ever happen; nothing greater can happen!

Recently God has refueled me with a passion to see God move in people's lives. While praying with Rachelle and people at 155, I had a special desire to expect that what we prayed for would happen.

I've been reflecting on my own walk with God. It has been a really safe walk I must say. Why did I keep it that way for so long? I don't know. All I know is that the way I see God somehow changed once I slowly became 'ok' with the idea of taking risks to follow Him. Honestly, the thought and feeling of taking risks has been a semi- traumatic . But, there is a clearer view of who He is, how He sees us, when we allow our hearts to be open to it leading to the possibility of a new level of intimacy with Him.

You know what, it is 'ok' to 'risk in expecting more' because we want to see how He will move in a greater capacity! Because when we have faith, He will!!

I have a vision that chains can be broken and freedom can be embraced when a willing heart steps up in faith amidst of uncertainties, spiritual warfare, vulnerability and failures. Someone at church talked about how impossible it is for God to even send us out to serve Him if our hearts are not even willing to risk trusting in Him. His work through the spirit begins with this faith of ours. Who is He to us?

29Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you"; 30and their sight was restored.

Mat. 9:29-30 (NIV)

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