Sunday, July 11, 2010


Dear friends,

I have recently been thinking about reasons and the purposes of what we call "evangelism". As I embark on a journey of a 2 weeks training with CEFOntario, the curiosity and ardor to peel the onion layers of this Christian principle hasn't been clearer and poignant.

I has become something like daily breathing for me, something pure that I want to live to do.

So what is "Evangelism" anyway? It is hardly a simply hard skill that many Christians tend to bombard their minds and self with but it extends to an expression of God hand to people all around. It is to re-connect - re-connect broken souls to the love of an Almighty God.

How do we do it? Jesus was the greatest example. Love. Jesus's life on earth was the representation of God's love. His passion of re-connecting the lost people to His Father led Him to suffer even as He was being marred for rebuking all that was sinful and impure and all that was unpleasing to His Father. But he loved all those that he healed, saved, discipled, stayed with that it killed Him.

This past December-January, my good friend and I bought this book called 'LOVE-the best Apologetic' at the Urbana Conference. I have yet to open it but see the title, it means what it says. When we evangelize, God can enable you to love like He loves us through Jesus's life, and be His witness. When we are God's witnesses, we show God by the kind of love our life displays in different circumstances. The unpredictability and nature of life's problems sure change this love that's display genuinely in our lives through Christ because this love from Him is has no conditions in itself. A hard but a lesson worth learning. When people see God, it is because they have seen who God is by who we are. And they are led to God more by the kind of love we display that's attributed to God...(the greatest qualities 1 Corinthians 13:4-8) MORE than the kind of love we speak of.

journey of learning of falling in love continues... ;)

cheers XP

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