Wednesday, April 18, 2012

There is more :) There has to be more...

I am so humbled as I write this but Daddy has been graciously prying through me as I struggle through my journey to getting to know Him more. Here we go :)
The gravity of His holiness and justice is so great and the extent to which He wants to be in relationship with mankind is just as great.
There is hope with mankind to be restored even though sin has entered this world. God's plan has never changed.:) From the book of Ezekiel onward, there are only a few books left until the Old Testament ends. It isn't too far from the arrival of the Messiah. Exciting. God's decision of having Jesus come though could seem senseless probably from the point of views of many during the time when the Bible was written I would think. The unrepentant hearts of the people in the Old Testament should have caused even more wrath from God, let alone send Jesus to come. The Israelites experienced God's severe punishment throughout the book of Ezekiel. They were cast out of their lands and destroyed. What blows my mind though is that He didn't continue pouring His wrath onto them and neither does He remain angry with us. I noticed that there is always this pattern of punishment and restoration in each chapter of the book. I believe that God uses this pattern to illustrate His heart to us. This is TRULY God's heart. <3

No one would think that it is wrong if God did not send Jesus to come. A normal life is good. To think that anyone would come and flip their lives upside down would be too much. I know I would feel uncomfortable.

That is exactly what Jesus did though. His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection. Changed the course of human history :) Boom!

As radical as it is that Jesus came, lived, died and resurrected in three days to heal us and ultimately restore our relationship with God, what IF we can become a channel of God's restoration in lives around us through the power of His Holy Spirit? What IF we can start living or continue living not merely to not sin but live under His power everyday? What IF we can start to live to clothe the orphans and widows, to humble ourselves so our broken relationships with people can be restored? What IF we can love people to Christ? What IF sin doesn't have to be a threat to us? What IF we could bring God's kingdom from Heaven here on earth? WHAT IF...?

I really love how the book of Ecclesiates says that we should enjoy the fruit of our labour and every that life brings us in its season. Yet it also says that we do these things because life is vanity and there is nothing new under the sun (meaning below heaven and in our daily lives) BUT Jesus's radical arrival to this earth proves something else. "He's creating something new under the sun." - Mike Lau

A new kingdom is coming. There is a new culture beginning to enfold here where all things are being redeemed to its natural harmony with God. :) This is really an exciting vision ! I believe His kingdom is here already. :D

Still thinking through this but totally amazed! Don't worry, tears and snot are not coming out yet! heheee =)
Stay tuned for more!

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